How it works?
Please fill in the formular and you will recieve the key to our Gallery with some explaining information.
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Ladies and Gentlemen,
Honoured visitors from all over the world, welcome...
We have used here the humane and unifying language of art and it gave us immense pleasure.
"A time to make Landseer friends" is the motto of the Landseer Art Gallery
on line that is now open for visiting. As a supporter of the arts and
admirer as well as long year owner and breeder of this great dog breed, it
was a pleasure to give life to all this most wonderful works of art and
great books, which will help to bring the history of this fascinated breed
to life. These breathtakingly beautiful objects will show us a complete
pictured history but also astonishing books out of the passed centuries. And
while art may educate, provoke, inform and amuse, in the end the collection
is above all other things not just simply beautiful but exquisite. It is not
only the world's most big collection of "Landseer art," it will grow to an
outstanding collection of "Landseer art" - full stop, no adjective. This is
human art at its best, from times and places where leaders in what they were
doing and ordinary individuals found the time and courage to put brush to
paper, and carving tools to marble, to express in created things the divine
spark that burns deep in the human soul.
Please fill in the formular and you will recieve the key to our Gallery with some explaining information.
foxyform |
Defining password rules
The owners of “Landseer Art Gallery” have administrator-level
privileges, so we can define password rules that are associated with the
Basic Authentication policy in order to protect the content of this
website. A part of this website is open to give our visitors an
impressum of what they can find once they got the key to the “Gallery.”
Simply fill in the above email form and send it to us with your request
for the Gallery key.
Click Send. The password will not always be immediately send, but when
we find the time to it.
After a period your password will expire. Default is 90 day’s. After
that you need to ask a new password.
Users can log in to Landseer Art Gallery with a password
provided by request from Landseerinternational administrators.